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Currency rates load {{priceError ? 'error' : 'timeout'}}!
Your local currency rates could not be loaded. Reload currency rates or pay in US$.
If this error persists please contact us.
Sorry, "Pay now" failed.
Most likely, this happens because you started using a VPN.
Reload this page to update the currency information.
Then try again by pressing the Pay now button. If this error persists contact us.
{{licensesCurrent}} upgrade discount{{licensesCurrent>1?'s':''}} from previous license{{licensesCurrent>1?'s':''}} confirmed.
No remaining upgrades from previous licenses available.
To upgrade from a previous license use the Buy now wizard in the Magic Utilities 3 application.
License is | ||||||||||||
2 years discount | |||||||||||||
License for device | Device serial number | Discount | Base price* | Price* | {{yearsStr}} | ||||||||
*GST is included where applicable. | {{ hasTotalDiscount ? 'Total*' : '' }} | {{ hasTotalDiscount ? calcTotal(false) : 'Total*' | toCurrency(currencySymbol) }} | {{ calcTotal(true) | toCurrency(currencySymbol) }} | ||||||||||
License delivery within 10 hours |
Click the serial number in the app | |||||||||||||
Add a Magic device: |
then press | ||||||||||||
The maximum of 20 devices has been reached.If you need a bulk license with more devices contact us. |
{{deviceName(serial)}} {{deviceNameSuffix(serial)}} | {{serial}} | {{ product.Devices.Added[sIndex] ? product.Devices.Discounts[sIndex] : '' | toPercent() }} | {{ product.Devices.Added[sIndex] ? discountDesc(product.Devices.Discounts[sIndex]) : ''}} | {{product.Devices.Added[sIndex] ? (product.Devices.Discounts[sIndex] > 0 ? years*basePrice : '-') : '' | toCurrency(currencySymbol) }} | {{product.Devices.Added[sIndex] ? (calcPrice(product.Devices.Discounts[sIndex])) : '' | toCurrency(currencySymbol) }} | ||||||||
License terms
- All purchases are final and not refundable. Try the Magic Utilities before buying a license.
- A license is locked to the provided device serial numbers and valid for the selected time period (1 or 2 years). Full license terms.
- An expired license does NOT auto-renew, so you don't have accidental costs. If you liked the Magic Utilities simply buy a new license.
- ^ Upgrade discounts are valid for the first license payment only.
Free Trial: Try before you buy!
Before buying, download and test the fully
functional 28 day trial version for all your devices to ensure it suits your needs.
If you have any issues with the trial version, do not buy a license.
We are here to help.
If you face any problems contact us.